What's in your cart? BTS Sale Linky Party!!!

Nooo, it's back-to-school already?  Ok, keep calm-don't worry.  You're at the What's in Your Cart? Linky Party hosted by The Speech Room News and we'll have you all set for BTS in no time!  

Let me start with what's new in my store:  

                                          Multi Syllabic Sports Bundle
      Perfect for upper grade students who struggle with motor planning.
I've been busy thinking about my upper level students who struggle with reducing their rate of speech and with motor planning.  My basketball and baseball games were a big hit, especially with my middle school boys, so I completed a sport for all seasons and put it together in this $-saving bundle.  
The bundle will be 28% off the already reduced price with the code: BTS15

Here is what's in my cart!

                                 Super helpful techniques for all students. 
                             Super Strategies for Word Retrieval Deficits! 

Keeping with the sport's theme.  This looks like a must-have for the fall!

I've had my eye on this product for a while.  This concept is so  important for our high drama and low affect students.
                                          Size of the Problem Detectives.

Thanks Jenna, from Speech Room News, for hosting What's in Your Cart? Linky Party.  Click HERE to see many other resources that will be on sale Monday and Tuesday.  And don't forget to take a deep breath, all will be A-okay!
My SLP Runner store will be 28% off with the code BTS15.  Check out my NEW Middle School Headquarters HERE or all of my Back-To-School products HERE!  

The best thing I learned this summer!

And we're off!  Our first Frenzied SLP linky party and I'm so excited!  We have been working hard behind the scenes to bring you a collection of the most trending topics.  We invite all SLP bloggers to link up and welcome everyone's comments and feedback below.  

Here's the best thing I learned this summer!
I attended a Learning and The Brain Conference in Wellfleet, Mass (Cape Cod).  I know, lucky me!  Funny story: I did my first PeriscopeTV while walking to the conference and got lost on the way home because I wasn't paying attention.  Anyway, I learned a whole lot about the neuropsychology of learning and have highlighted the subcategories of the three areas of learning discussed. Today I bring you reading!

 As you are probably aware, language plays a huge role in reading and SLPs are a critical part of the collaboration team.  I hope these subtype breakdowns help you to better understand the learning processes of reading.  This knowledge can assist an RTI team, evaluation team, as well as inform parents of your role in the academic subject areas.  
90% of referrals in elementary are for Dysphonetic Dyslexia. 
Brain research shows that the brain can change! 
What is LD? learning disabilities or learning dormancy? 
 We fire the brain with interventions to wake it up!  
Frequency of services always beats duration.  
The younger kids tend to remediate, older kids tend to compensate. 

Follow my blog to see upcoming posts on the neuropsychology of writing and math!  Yes, we have a critical role in MATH~especially with Common Core.