What WE can do about the Anxiety/Trauma Epidemic!

As I write this, my child is anxious in anticipation of school tomorrow. We go through this every Sunday. At work, I have an increased level of students with anxiety, depression, trauma, and other significant mental health challenges. What we know as professionals, is that when kids are in stress, they can't learn.
Experts say children are struggling to cope with mounting levels of stress. This is why I researched the most effective calming strategies for kids. 

Calming Can contains an assortment of 24 strategies, many research-based, and explicit instructions on using the techniques. Customized toolboxes are included for students to choose the strategies that work best for them. My child and students are responding so well to these strategies and really enjoy learning and experiencing stress reduction techniques. 

Last week one of my students became very worried when he was alerted of an impending storm. We took the time to review the situation and worked through the calming strategies. He expressed that he felt empowered to walk away with a customized toolbox of strategies that worked!

Another student experienced trauma at a young age. He has a very hard time focusing. The 5-finger mindfulness technique works so well for him to quickly come back "into the room" and focus on the task at hand. 

Because I'm so passionate about equipping students with an armor of skills, I am providing you this FREE list of my favorite strategies to use students. 

If you are interested in more detailed instruction on the strategies, My Calming Can product can be found if you Click Here

Thank you for caring about the emotional well-being students! 
My best to you!