I'm excited to join my first Love It & List It linky party!
This month's topic is: Social Skill Activities.
I was lucky enough to have joined the brilliant Michelle Garcia Winner at her clinic to participate in her mentor training program. I recommend many of Michelle's products but I believe that the meat of her program is in the Thinking About You Thinking About Me workbook. This is a must-have for school and clinic based SLPs.
I'm having a blast this year co-teaching with the OT at my school. My Facebook fans helped us to name our group SPOT-ON (get it- Sp=Speech OT=Occupational Tx). She teaches the Zones, while I work with the students on identifying feelings and emotions. Together we teach calming and coping strategies. I believe that these skills are so important for our students.
The Second Step Program has some great visual social story situations and practical techniques for students to learn. I especially like the middle school focused program as it is life relevant and keeps the kids engaged while learning the important life/social skills of empathy, anger management, and impulse control.
Here are some of my perspective taking activities.
Click here to see more.

Make sure you go check out the link up on Speech Room News and see all of the other blogger favorites!